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Third Party Code of Conduct

The Third Party Code of Conduct conveys Colgate-Palmolive’s expectations regarding the ethical conduct we expect from our suppliers, distributors, agents, customers, research partners, and all other third parties with whom we work.

The Colgate-Palmolive Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world take enormous pride in Colgate’s longstanding reputation for integrity, which is vital to our success as a Company. The strength of Colgate's reputation is based, not only on our own conduct, but also on the actions of those with whom we do business. For that reason, we aspire to work only with third parties who share our values and reflect the same high ethical standards.

This Third Party Code of Conduct has been developed to convey our expectations regarding the ethical conduct we expect from our suppliers, distributors, agents, customers, research partners, and all other third parties with whom we work. This document is consistent with the Colgate-Palmolive Company Code of Conduct. Sections of this Third Party Code are modeled on, or contain language from, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the standards of the International Labour Organization.

We require our Third Party Partners to take reasonable steps to ensure that this Third Party Code of Conduct is communicated throughout their organizations and made available to their employees and subcontractors who work on Colgate business. We expect you, as our Third Party Partner, to share our commitment to comply with the standards to the extent they are applicable to our business relationship:

Please access the Third Party Code of Conduct below.

Updated as of July 2024